The mission of the Conservation Committee is to stimulate and encourage club members to protect and conserve our natural resources. To that end, the Committee develops and implements projects designed to expand the members’ interest on issues pertaining to the environment. Projects include recycling, ways to reduce waste and pollution, appreciation of wildlife, and preservation of natural habitat.

Good Gardening Practices to Protect the Environment:

– Know requirements of your plants
– Know your soil and prepare it properly
– Plan correctly
– Know your enemies (and your friends)
– Water wisely
– Mulch to reduce water usage and weeds
– Prune correctly
– Weed
– Compost garden waste
– Use native plants as much as possible

Ideas for Conservation Projects include the following:

– Plant wildflowers within the community
– Road beautification projects
– Plant trees throughout the community

Ideas for Club Programs related to the Conservation include:

– Learn how to compost
– Recycling in Gadsden County
– Alternatives to pesticides
– Paper-Plastic or reusable grocery bags
– Correct Pruning


Tending to a garden creates unforgettable memories and teaches valuable lessons about caring for the environment. The Junior Gardening projects focus on helping children learn basic appreciation of gardening and nature.

Children as young as two (2) years old are capable of helping with gardening tasks; digging, planting, watering, etc. Whereas, an older child can plan, plant, and take care of their own garden space. Ideas for Junior Gardening activities include the following:

Decorate pumpkins, learn about planting fall bulbs, and visit the Tallahassee Museum.

Decorate a Christmas tree for the birds, create a pinecone craft to present to a local nursing home.

Plant spring flowers at the school, visit local gardens, plant a tree for Arbor Day.


Please contact us here or call us at 850-627-2437 for more information.